
Skimming scanning
Skimming scanning

skimming scanning

* Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases. * Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs. * Read the first sentence of every other paragraph. * Read the introduction or the first paragraph. “Digital immersion has even affected the way absorb information.Skimming refers to the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall impression of the content of a reading Similarly, web users often think that digging through dense type takes more time than it’s worth.” - Jakob Nielsen and Hoa Loranger, co-authors of Prioritizing Web Usability Many predators will let the sluggish critter go because it’s simply not worth their time and effort to break open the shell to get at the meat. “In information-foraging terms, blocks of text are analogous to the hard shell of a tortoise. “How long will users stay on a web page before leaving? It’s a perennial question, yet the answer has always been the same: Not very long.” - Jakob Nielsen, “the king of usability” “As little as 16% of people actually read content word-by-word.” - Jakob Nielsen, “the king of usability”

skimming scanning

They scan.” - Jakob Nielsen, “the king of usability” “People spend less than a minute on content pages, even when they’re looking at long articles or detailed product specs.” - Jakob Nielsen, “the king of usability” “It’s the height of arrogance to assume that all of your customers are extraordinarily interested in everything you write - more likely, they’ll read a few pages and scan the rest.” - Jakob Nielsen, “the king of usability”

skimming scanning

“Because most people aren’t going to painstakingly go through and read your content word-by-word, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to quickly comprehend your content.” - Colin Newcomer, freelance writer browsing and scanning, keyword spotting, one-time reading non-linear reading.” - Ziming Liu, library science professor at San José State University and author of “Reading Behavior in the Digital Environment” “A screen-based reading behavior is emerging. They use the web.” - TJ Larkin, Larkin Communications Consulting We want to gather as much information as quickly as our eyes and fingers can move.” - Nicholas Carr, author, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains “On the Web, there is no such thing as leisurely browsing. “Content may be king on the web, but few people actually read web copy word by word.” - Karen Brighton, senior manager of digital content, ServiceNow Quotes on the body in feature article structure.Quotes on the prewriting stage of writing.

Skimming scanning how to#

  • Quotes on how to become a better writer.
  • Resources on how to become a better writer.
  • skimming scanning

  • Quotes on why storytelling is important.
  • Resources on importance of skimming and scanning.
  • Quotes on conversational business writing.
  • Quotes on how to write a simple sentence.
  • Quotes on short form and long form content.
  • Resources on how to measure readability.
  • Resources on the importance of readability.
  • Continuous partial attention syndrome quotes.
  • Quotes on the ideal press release length.
  • Press release first paragraph: Try features.
  • Reach Readers Where They Look on-demand training.
  • Cut Through the Clutter on-demand training.
  • Think Outside the Pyramid on-demand training.

  • Skimming scanning